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Addressing Housing and Food Insecurity in the LGBTQIA2S+ Community: The PDX LGBTQIA2S+ Housing Collaborative

Houselessness, housing, and food insecurity are pervasive issues that often remain under discussed in our communities. Disturbingly, the LGBTQIA2S+ community faces a disproportionately higher risk of experiencing these challenges, often concurrently, when compared to their straight counterparts. This reality came sharply into focus with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing the precarious economic stability of the LGBTQIA2S+ community in the Portland metro region, and indeed, the entire state of Oregon.

The Impact of COVID-19:

As the pandemic unfolded, it became evident that LGBTQIA2S+ individuals were disproportionately represented in occupations severely impacted by shutdowns and exposure to the virus itself. Many found themselves on the frontlines, bearing the brunt of the crisis. The toll, both economically and emotionally, remains high for this community.

The Discrepancy in Queer-Friendly Reputation:

Contrary to the widely embraced queer-friendly reputation of the Portland area, the lived experiences of queer unhoused and housing insecure individuals paint a different picture. In stark terms, housing and shelter services in the region fall woefully short of adequacy, let alone being beneficial for LGBTQIA2S+ people. What's more, the community finds itself excluded from decision-making processes regarding these critical services, and the consequences are tangible.

The Birth of a Collaborative Effort:

In response to this pressing reality, a coalition of LGBTQIA2S+ nonprofit organizations, including Pride Northwest, took a proactive stance in 2021. Recognizing the need for collective action, these organizations began meeting regularly to foster relationships, share resources, and explore solutions. Out of these collaborative efforts, the PDX LGBTQIA2S+ Housing Collaborative was born.

The PDX LGBTQIA2S+ Housing Collaborative

The primary objective of this collaborative endeavor is to address the housing insecurity challenges faced by the LGBTQIA2S+ community in the Portland metro region. By bringing together key nonprofit organizations, the collaborative aims to pool resources, share expertise, and develop solutions that are both inclusive and effective.

Challenges and Opportunities

The collaborative faces various challenges, including the need for increased awareness, policy advocacy, and community involvement. However, it also presents a unique opportunity to reshape the narrative surrounding LGBTQIA2S+ individuals' access to housing and food security.

Moving Forward

As the PDX LGBTQIA2S+ Housing Collaborative continues to evolve, it is crucial for the broader community to become engaged and informed. By elevating the voices of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes, we can work towards a more inclusive and supportive environment.


Houselessness, housing, and food insecurity are pressing issues affecting the LGBTQIA2S+ community, especially in the Portland metro region. The formation of the PDX LGBTQIA2S+ Housing Collaborative signifies a positive step forward in addressing these challenges. It is a call to action for the community to come together, share resources, and actively contribute to creating a more equitable and supportive living environment for everyone.

Press Release

Housing Policy Final Paper