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Myths about Bisexuality

MYTH: Bisexual people are more promiscuous and more likely to spread harmful diseases like HIV. 

Anyone who engages in sexual activity has the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted illness. No matter your sexual orientation it is important to practice safe sex. A member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community has no greater chance of contracting an STI than a cisgender heterosexual person. Bisexual people are no more likely to be promiscuous than any other sexual orientation. 

MYTH: Bisexual people are more likely to cheat.

People cheat on their partners and spouses for a variety of reasons, but bisexual people are no more likey to cheat than anyone else due to their sexual orientation. 

MYTH: Bisexual people have to be with people of different genders to feel satisfied.

While some people who are bisexual may feel drawn to a particular gender or gender traits, they do not need to participate in relationships with more than one person of different genders to be happy in their life and relationships. Some people may be polyamorous or practice ethical non-monogamy, but that has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

Bisexuality is just a myth and doesn’t exist. Bisexual people just haven't picked a side. They're actually (gay, straight, haven't found the right person).

People who are bisexual are still the same sexual orientation regardless of the gender of the person they are dating. If they are dating a cisgender heterosexual person they are still bisexual, not straight. If they are dating a trans woman they are still bisexual, not a lesbian. No matter who a bisexual person dates they are still the same sexual orientation. People who have only dated cisgender heterosexual people can also be bisexual.

Biphobia doesn’t exist in the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Bisexual activists had to fight for their place in the acronym back when it was just gay and lesbian as terms being used. Many of the myths above are believed by those in the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and those who are bisexual experience bi erasure and biphobia and can feel alienated from within our own community. 

People who are bisexual are only attracted to cisgender men and women. Bisexuality is transphobic because bisexuals are only attracted to cisgender people.

The bisexual community has made it clear that the old definition that people who are bisexual are only attracted to men and women is outdated and no longer in use. Bisexuality is inclusive of transgender and non-binary communities. While there is some debate within the LGBTQIA2S+ community as to what the difference is between pansexuality and bisexuality, the bisexual community has made it clear that they are able to love anyone regardless of their gender identity.

The Bay Area Bisexual Network summarizes it best, “Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or dougamous in nature; that we must have "two" sides or that we MUST be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don't assume that there are only two genders. Do not mistake our fluidity for confusion, irresponsibility, or an inability to commit. Do not equate promiscuity, infidelity, or unsafe sexual behavior with bisexuality. Those are human traits that cross ALL sexual orientations. Nothing should be assumed about anyone's sexuality—including your own.”

Written By: Kari Anne Horton


Celebrate Bisexuality! GLAAD Dispels Common Myths and Stereotypes

Bisexual FAQs by HRC

Bisexual Resource Center